This tutorial is intended to give an introduction to using Orleankka by creating a simple greeter actor using C#.
Set up your project
Start Visual Studio and create a new C# Console Application and reference the following packages:
PM> Install-Package Orleankka.Runtime
PM> Install-Package Microsoft.Orleans.Server
This will install all client and server-side packages required for demo app.
Create your first actor
First, we need to create a message type that our actor will respond to:
namespace ConsoleApplication11
// Create a message types that your actor will respond to
// and mark them with [Serializable] attribute. This is smilar to
// object-oriented interface signatures (eg Greet(string who)) but with classes
public class Greet
public string Who { get; set; }
public class Sleep
Once we have the message type, we can create our actor:
using System;
using Orleankka;
namespace ConsoleApplication11
// Create custom actor interface and implement IActorGrain
public interface IGreeter : IActorGrain {}
// Create actor class by inheriting from ActorGrain and implementing custom actor interface
public class Greeter : ActorGrain, IGreeter
// Implement receive function (use pattern matching or any other message matching approach)
public override Task<object> Receive(object message)
switch (message)
case Greet greet:
return Result("Hello, {msg.Who}!");
case Sleep _:
Console.WriteLine("Sleeeeping ...");
return TaskResult.Done;
return Unhandled;
Now it's time to consume our actor. We need to configure Orleans and then register Orleankka. We'll be using simple localhost configuration suitable for demos.
using System;
using Orleankka;
using Orleankka.Playground;
namespace ConsoleApplication11
public class Greet
public string Who { get; set; }
public class Sleep
public class Greeter : ActorGrain, IGreeter
public override Task<object> Receive(object message)
switch (message)
case Greet greet:
return Result("Hello, {msg.Who}!");
case Sleep _:
Console.WriteLine("Sleeeeping ...");
return TaskResult.Done;
return Unhandled;
class Program
const string DemoClusterId = "localhost-demo";
const string DemoServiceId = "localhost-demo-service";
const int LocalhostSiloPort = 11111;
const int LocalhostGatewayPort = 30000;
static readonly IPAddress LocalhostSiloAddress = IPAddress.Loopback;
static void Main(string[] args)
var host = await new SiloHostBuilder()
.Configure(options => {
options.ClusterId = DemoClusterId;
options.ServiceId = DemoServiceId;
.UseDevelopmentClustering(options => options.PrimarySiloEndpoint = new IPEndPoint(LocalhostSiloAddress, LocalhostSiloPort))
.ConfigureEndpoints(LocalhostSiloAddress, LocalhostSiloPort, LocalhostGatewayPort)
.ConfigureApplicationParts(x => x
.UseOrleankka() // register Orleankka extension
// start Orleans server (silo)
await host.StartAsync();
var client = new ClientBuilder()
.ConfigureCluster(options => {
options.ClusterId = DemoClusterId;
options.ServiceId = DemoServiceId
.UseStaticClustering(options => options.Gateways.Add(new IPEndPoint(LocalhostSiloAddress, LocalhostGatewayPort).ToGatewayUri()))
.ConfigureApplicationParts(x => x
// start (connect) Orleans client
await client.Connect();
// get reference to ActorSystem
var system = client.ActorSystem();
// get proxy reference for IGreeter actor
var greeter = system.ActorOf<IGreeter>("id");
// send query to actor (ie Ask)
Console.WriteLine(await greeter.Ask<string>(new Greet {Who = "world"}));
// send command to actor (ie Tell)
await greeter.Tell(new Sleep());
Console.Write("\n\nPress any key to terminate ...");
That is it. See more examples in a Samples directory.